

Congratulations! Graduation Commencement is in:

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Graduation Commencement


Friday, May 9, 2025 at 7:00pm

Candidates should arrive between 5:15pm and 6:00pm in the lobby of Central 小猪视频官网.


Commencement will be in the Patriot Center on Central 小猪视频官网, 100 Hobart Drive, Hillsboro, OH 45133. See for directions.

How to Apply

To qualify for graduation, you must:

  • Have completed the requirements of one of the designated degree programs with a minimum of 60 semester hours of credit together with a minimum GPA of 2.0 ("C") at Southern State (see program outlines for specific requirements);
  • Have earned at least 20 semester hours of credit at Southern State if receiving an associate degree or 18 semester hours of credit at Southern State if receiving a one-year certificate;
  • Have submitted an Application for a Diploma to the Records Office one month prior to the start of the semester in which you expect to graduate, and;
  • Any financial obligations owed to the College must be paid in full before a diploma will be released. If you are unsure if you owe money, contact Student Accounts at 800.628.7722, x2652.

Order Your Graduation Regalia

  • Order your graduation regalia (cap, gown, tassel) in advance of your ceremony from the Bookstore. Graduation regalia must be ordered by 2:00pm February 28, 2025 and will be available for pickup from the Hillsboro 小猪视频官网 Bookstore during the last two weeks of April.
    • To place your order, email 1492mgr@follett.com and include your name, height, weight and a working phone number.
  • PTK stoles, tassels and/or cords may be ordered by PTK members on the .
  • Americana honor cords are awarded in appreciation to our veterans and service members who participate in the commencement ceremony. Honor cords can be picked up at the commencement sign-in by showing your military ID or DD 214 Form.
  • Academic honor cords are awarded to recognize the academic excellence of our graduates who participate in the commencement ceremony. Academic honor cords will be provided to the eligible graduates at the commencement sign-in.

Prepare for Graduation Day

Find out what to expect at your ceremony, from when to arrive to the significance of the procession and how to cross the stage.

  • The graduation ceremony, from the time students walk in and file out, is called "commencement" and lasts approximately one hour. Graduates should check in between 5:15 and 6:00 pm, Friday, May 9th. DO NOT BE LATE! Graduation will march on. This is when you will receive your name card, honor cord (eligibility based upon accumulative GPA at the end of Fall semester) and a graduation sheet.
  • There is no formal rehearsal for the ceremony, although a detailed explanation of the ceremony will be reviewed during line up. You will be assisted as you proceed to the Patriot Center to your seat. Your name will be called and you will approach the stage to be presented a diploma cover the night of graduation. Students who successfully complete all degree requirements during Spring Semester and have no balance due to the institution can pick up their official diploma at the Central 小猪视频官网 Records Office from July 1st - 31st with photo ID. Diplomas that are not picked up by July 31st will be mailed to the student address on file.
  • Grad Images, a professional photographer, will take photos of each graduate as they shake hands with the President. Approximately two weeks following the ceremony, you will receive communication from Grad Images with information regarding purchase.
  • Commencement is intended to be a festive occasion celebrating the accomplishments of our students, however, it is also ceremonial. When wearing academic dress, it is typical for the student to dress formally beneath the gown. Comfortable shoes are recommended for safe mobility. The only items you should bring to the Commencement Ceremony are your cap and gown. We encourage you to leave any personal items at home or with your guests.
  • It is particularly important that students respect their fellow students and the faculty, administrators and guests who have come to witness and participate in the conferring of their degrees. For this reason, graduates are expected to return to their seats after they have walked and remain there until all students have walked and the members of the stage party have exited the stage.

Prepare your Family & Guests

Share the details with your family & friends who will be joining you at your graduation so they can plan their day- from how and when to arrive to what to do after the ceremony to continue the celebration.

  • All guest seating is on a first come, first serve basis. The majority of seating available for guests is bleacher seating. Limited floor seating is also available so early arrival is encouraged for guests who are elderly or disabled.
  • It is appropriate for family and guests to remain in their seats for the approximate one hour commencement ceremony.
  • Out of respect of the graduates, wandering around the floor of the stadium and visiting with guests in the stands is frowned upon during the ceremony.
  • By law there is no smoking within 20 feet of the Patriot Center doors. Food and drink may not be brought into the Center.
  • Personal cameras are permitted, however, photos and videos may not be taken from around the perimeter of the stage.
  • Please remember to turn off or silence your cell phones during the ceremony.
  • Thank you for helping us make your graduation a memorable one for all.

Arrange Special Needs Requirements

Graduates with special needs, please contact Accessibility Services to make arrangements, or call 800.628.7722 x2620.

Celebrate your Graduation!

  • Faculty and Staff will line a corded off lane as graduates exit the building to cheer your accomplishment.  Your family will find you on the grassy area outside of the Patriot Center immediately following the ceremony. 
  • Congratulations! And, remember, “An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.”  - Benjamin Franklin

After Graduation

We continue to offer services to our alumni including career search and development. Check out Career Services for more information!

We hope you’ll keep in touch with us through !

Graduate Surveys

Each year the college attempts to obtain information about our graduates after graduation to determine how well we did our job. The results from the survey are used to help us improve the educational experience for future students. Our ability to obtain your feedback is also vital to our continued accreditation. These surveys are by invitation only and verified by student identification numbers.

Coming Soon!

2024 Graduation Commencement Celebration