
SSCC Alerts

SSCC Alerts is a comprehensive alert notification system which Southern State uses to broadcast important information such as campus emergencies, closures, delays, cancellations, outages and more via email, text or voice messaging.

Manage Your Account

(For students and employees)

  • using your college email address and the SSCC Alerts password provided to you.
  • Under "Personal Information", enter any additional phone numbers and/or email addresses.
  • Select the corresponding delivery method(s) to receive alerts (e.g. Email, SMS/Text and/or Call.)
  • Select the "Continue" button.
  • Review your "Subscriptions" and select the "Finish Signup" button.
  • For more delivery options, select the "Edit Profile" button at the top right.
  • Search under "My Self-Subscribed Channels" and then select or deselect the corresponding checkboxes for email, SMS and Call/Voice to enable or disable communication from each group.*
  • Select the "Save Finish" button.

*"Quiet Hours" can also be scheduled to prevent non-urgent notifications from being received on fixed days or times, however urgent notifications will still be received during these hours.

Please note: Due to system maintenance performed on January 10, 2025 members may have to opt back into their group(s)/channel(s). We apologize for the inconvenience.

Create an Account

(For parents and community members)

  • Under the "New? Sign Up! SSCC Alerts" section below, enter your first name, last name, email address and phone number.
  • Select the "Receive Email" checkbox, your phone number type, and the corresponding "Receive SMS/Text" and "Receive TTS/Calls" checkboxes.
  • Select the "Subscribe" button.
  • Select the "Update" button.
  • Select the "Proceed" button.
  • Select the "First Time User Create Password" link.
  • Follow the reset password instructions in the email received. Be sure to check your junk mailbox if an email was not received in your inbox.
  • Under "Personal Information", enter any additional phone numbers and/or email addresses.
  • Select the corresponding delivery method(s) to receive alerts (e.g. Email, SMS/Text and/or Call.)
  • Select the "Continue" button.
  • Under "My Subscriptions" ensure you are subscribed to "Community Emergency" and select the "Finish Signup" button.
  • For more delivery options, select the "Edit Profile" button at the top right.
  • Search under "My Groups" and then select or deselect the corresponding checkboxes for email, SMS and Call/Voice to enable or disable communication from each group.*
  • Select the "Save Finish" button.

*"Quiet Hours" can also be scheduled to prevent non-urgent notifications from being received on fixed days or times, however urgent notifications will still be received during these hours

  • Or follow this link to


You can anytime you need. If you have problems or questions about this service, please contact campusalerts@sscc.edu.

If you are having trouble receiving SSCC Alerts email in your inbox, be sure to check your junk email box and mark as not junk and/or add campusalerts@sscc.edu to your safe senders list.

Opting Out

Recipients wishing to block delivery options through their cell phone service provider can reply to a text message with the keyword "STOP."

Recipients may stop receiving text and Text to Speech (TTS)/voice messages on a cell phone by replying with keyword "Leave + (space) + group Keyword or groupID."

Non-cell phone users can to update their notification preferences or contact Tech Support 800.628.7722 x2800 and request to stop receiving voice messages.

Please note: While group members may choose to STOP or Leave a group, they will not be able to opt out of receiving emails.


The SSCC Alerts network includes the following notification components:

  • SMS/TTS — Text and/or voice messages will be sent to cell/home phones.*
  • Email — Email alerts will be sent to campus email accounts. Students/employees are automatically subscribed through the SSCC Alerts website with their college email address. One must add a personal/alternate account if desired.
  • Digital Signs — Alert information posted as messages will be displayed on the digital signs located on each of the campuses.
  • Web — Alerts will be posted on Southern State's homepage.
  • Info Line — A recorded message alert can be accessed by calling the Southern State's main phone line at 800.628.7722. The message is activated when conditions warrant it.

* While there is no charge to subscribe to SSCC Alerts, your cell phone provider may charge a fee for delivery of text messages based on your calling plan.

The phone number you use to register for SSCC Alerts text messaging will not be published in a directory or used for any other purpose. It will be used for alerts and for periodic testing of the SSCC Alerts system